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  Dear Jack,

  I am writing this letter to express my sincere gratitude for your congratulations on my winning a translation test, and recommend to you some advice on translation.

  My suggestions are as follows. For one thing, it would be greatly appreciated if you could take more courses in this field, since it contributes to your academic progress and professional ability. For another, it is advisable that you join a translation club, because you can learn from other team members.

  Once again, thank you for your congratulations. I sincerely hope my advice can draw your attention.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming


  July 20, 2020

  The notice is released to introduce a summer camp for high school students and call for volunteers for this activity. It will be held in our university from August 1 to August 10. This event aims to provide students with a chance to accumulate experience.

  The relevant details are listed as follows. To begin with, the applicants are requested to be very patient and are expected to have good communication skills. What is more, the applicants who have the experience of being a part-time volunteer in similar events are preferred.

  If you are interested or would like to know more about it, do not hesitate to contact us by email: ********.

  XXX University


  其次,信息完整指的是不要有信息点遗漏,比如2014年英语1的小作文要求你给大学校长写一封信提建议改善学生的身体状况,并且附上了一条要求:add details you think necessary.很多同学可能会无视这一条,但其实这也包含了要写作的内容,所以主体段就不能只提建议,而是要写细节。

  第三,内容和组织连贯指的是句与句之间,段落与段落之间需要有衔接,不能前言不搭后语毫无逻辑,所以补充一些逻辑关系词是必要的,它也能让改卷老师迅速get到你的要点,此处提供一些逻辑衔接词参考。如To begin with, in addition, last but not least, the primary factors are as follows, from what has been discussed above......



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